parts that we all suffer; the parts that are confusing,
that make us feel dark or lost, the parts that break
our heart. I never feel far away from that.
I know my work producing "You're Going to Die",
is staying close to death’s core experience, not
dramatically pushing myself, but staying in touch
with the suffering so that I can authentically say,
“I get it.” I willingly and openly go forward into
those parts of life and death so that I can meet and
understand other people.
"You’re Going To Die" came from the parts of life
that haunt me and the parts that make me feel joy
and the ways that I want to work on life and the
things that I need to keep returning to. The show
comes from all that.
Sometimes I'm surprised that I haven't shut off
many of the struggles I’ve been through. Like why,
after my mother passed away, did I aggressively
explore that heartbreak and wound? I went to grief
therapy and am still engaged with one-on-one
therapy. A lot that comes up is related to "You’re
Going To Die" conversations.
If there's anything that would stop me from doing
the show, and it certainly seems far off if even
imaginable, it would be coming to some kind of
complete okay-ness, some otherworldly wisdom.