Art of Dying Art of Dying_Volume III_joomag | Page 32

FOU N DAT IONS I N CON T EM PL AT I V E CA R E A COM PR EH ENSI V E T R A I N I NG PROG R A M NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS A transformative training in caregiving from a Zen Buddhist perspective. Ideal for caregivers such as physicians, nurses, social workers, hospice workers as well as those interested in becoming caregivers. SEPT 2018 - MAY 2019 A NINE-MONTH TR AINING PROGR AM CLASSES MEET FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS, ONCE A MONTH CEU’s AVAILABLE FOR NURSES AND SOCIAL WORKERS N EW YOR K Z EN C EN T ER FOR CON T EM PL AT I V E CA R E L E A R N MOR E AT Z ENCA R E .ORG 119 W. 23rd Street, #401, New York, NY 10011 WHAT REALLY MATTERS Lessons for Living from Stories of the Dying Dr. Karen Wyatt MD., hospice physician and spiritual teacher , leads us on a journey through the final days of her patients who, along with their families, experience profound healing and spiritual awakening as they face the end-of-life. Through the 7 lessons that were most important to these patients during their last days of life, we can also learn what really matters during this earthly journey. • • • • how to embrace life’s difficulties rather than resist them why we must let our hearts be broken open by love the healing power of forgiveness how to dwell in the present moment • manifesting the highest potential of each moment • why we must let go of our expectations • how to face our ultimate fear of death Available at bookstores everywhere and through Connect with Dr. Wyatt, sign up for her newsletter, and learn about her life-changing workshop: The 7 Lessons Wisdom Path 32 | ART OF DYING